CCTV Detect

1. Detect

Images from your site viewed when an alarm is generated by movement. Highly trained operators view the images and make fast and accurate assessments of the situation.
CCTV Identify

2. Identify

All images received are carefully analysed to assess the correct level of response required.
CCTV Respond

3. Respond

Arc operators give an audio challenge to trespassers and give a clear warning to them that their movements are being recorded remotely on CCTV.
CCTV Identify

4. Protect

Where activity on a site gives cause for concern, our Operators will call key-holders, or Safecam Patrol or the Police.

Safehouse Security CCTV monitoring can prevent intruders entering a protected property being:

  • Your business
  • Your home
  • Construction sites

Safehouse Security Ltd is a 100% shareholder of a subsidiary company called Safe Cam Ltd.